Proven Service
Dr. Audrey Young has faithfully served her community as a public educator for over 30 years. Her experience as a Speech Language Therapist, classroom teacher, school administrator, and district director have given her an understanding of K-12 education unrivaled on the State Board of Education.
Further, her service as a local school board trustee for 6 years instilled in her a deep appreciation for the local control of Texas public schools. First elected to the State Board of Education in 2020, Dr. Young has faithfully represented the citizens of SBOE District 8.

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Serve on a Workgroup:
Are you qualified or capable of serving on a workgroup?
If so, click the link below and fill out the form. Workgroups are selected by the TEA but I can make suggestions. I can open the door, but I need people like you to make it through selection and review for the TEKS and Textbooks for every subject.
This front end work is vital to improving the Instructional Materials which are recommended to my committee, before being presented to the whole SBOE for approval. Qualified candidates may know the Texas Education Code well, be familiar with common practices, and be able to articulate their positions strongly. I am looking for volunteers who want to stop the indoctrination of our students.